Applicant Information
Name of the Organization in English:
Name of the Organization in Arabic:
Telephone/ Ext:
List 3 – 5 Objectives of Your TOT-Go Workshop:
List Your Target Audience:
Note: You have to select two consecutive days
Indicate the Target Date (s):
Select a date
Describe in Less Than 300 Words How Can You Ensure The Effectiveness of The Workshop:
Describe in Less Than 300 Words How Can You Ensure The Authenticity and Protect The Intellectual Property of The Material Involved:
Describe In Less Than 300 Words How This Workshop Fits in Your Residency/Postgraduate Training Curriculum, Framework Objectives and Outcome Competencies (CanMEDS, SaudiMEDS, etc):
Describe in Less Than 300 Words How to Monitor The Positive Impact of The Workshop on The Daily Practice of The Participants:
Describe in Less Than 300 Words How This Workshop Fits in Your Overall Faculty Development Program:
Describe in Less Than 300 Words How This Workshop Will Help Achieve Better Public Health and Well-Being:
Please Declare Any Conflict of Interest:
Method of Delivery of the Workshop:
Upload the time-table of the workshop with the Facilitators' names:
Click here to attach a file
Please Upload The Timeline for Your Program:
Click here to attach a file
Please Upload Facilitator Template:
Click here to attach a file
Please Upload Participants Template:
Click here to attach a file
Is Your Workshop One Full Day or Two Separate Half Days? Please Indicate:
The activates Name
Is there cooperation with other parties:
The reason for cooperation:
Declare the name(in Arabic)
The name of the center that will provider CME (in Arabic) :
Facilitators / Co-Facilitators
Selected Filter:
Quick Search:
Nameof Faculty
Facilitators Co Facilitators
Approved By SCFHS
Please Upload a Maximum of 2 Pages CV of Each Facilitator and Co-facilitator
(Add new row)
Click here to attach a file
Click here to attach a file
Please add at least one value to submit the request
Code Verification
Please Check the Confirmation Code:
Your Application has been submitted successfully . Your request number is
تم تقديم طلبك بنجاح. رقم طلبك هو
الرجاء تعبئة الحقول الالزامية Please fill the missing fields to continue your process.
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(K2.Field.smartforms.controls.UriInfo.UriControl.Control - Runtime) Control Text: Control Value: Control Id: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000_aa73bf46-7bf5-4d9a-9365-3b835ddf7c03 Enabled: True Visible: False
I declare that all the information provided in this form is correct, I commit to providing a report on the workshops within 2 days after conducting including a detailed list
of the participants and their specialties and share with the participant the post-workshop satisfaction survey.
within two weeks after conducting including detailed list of the participants and their specialties and a result of the post-workshop participants satisfaction survey.